Aftermovie from Dziecinada festival 2022

Aftermovie from Dziecinada festival 2022

We have been cooperating with Strefa Kultury Wrocław for about 4 years on two festivals: the WroSound Festival and Dziecinada Festival. During this time, we have been observing how the requirements for films covering events are changing. The basic issue is time. Currently, the maximum length of the video we prepare is 90 seconds. Moreover, nowadays it is more important to prepare films that cover festival events during them than the classic aftermovie. During the last edition of the festival, we prepared 3 films over 4 days. After two days, we made a thirty-second summary that had the potential to encourage more participants to take part in the festival.

A video showing as many events as possible in the shortest possible time.

We made the films over the 4 days of the festival. Due to the duration, we tried to select the most impressive events, filmed in a dynamic way. We wanted to capture the dynamics of the actors and artists taking part in the event as well as the reactions of the viewers, especially children. Our team attended all events that took place as part of the festival for 4 days. Thanks to close cooperation between our team and the marketing department, we were able to prepare materials that were needed to promote the event already during its duration.

A film showing the festival

After the festival, we prepared a 90-second version of the film, which was completed within two days of the event. You can see the effects below. The music was selected together with Strefa Kultury Wrocław. The ordering party also provided the beginning and end boards.